Monday, November 24, 2008

Pillow Smells

So I was going to sleep the other night, and as u do... I started snuggling up to my pillow......

But i got the strangest whiff off the pillow.... a Jam Donut .... all i could smell was a jam donut... and then i couldnt fookin sleep cos all I could think about was where i was going to get my mits on a jam donut at 2 in the morning!!!!!!! it was 4am before i eventually got to sleep... purely on the basis that drove up to the 24hour Tesco's and bought 2 jam donuts for €1!!!! A late night donut and a cup of tea... BAAAAABY!!!!!!!!

But the question i really wanted answered was how did i manage to get the smell of jam on my pillow... Weird!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Party Pills

NEVER EVER take party pills.... not unless u plan on not sleeping for a very long time!!!!

they maybe legal, and they may only be herb based... but JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!

i had a couple saturday nite and boy did i pay for it.... not only did i not get a wink of sleep but i had a full day of work on Sunday... it was not my friend!!!!!


Do you know what the worst thing is about Entourage.... the last episode in the series!!!!!!!

Its unreal... i actually cant get enough of it, purely on the basis that ive a feeling its completely real life.... I could really imagine that if i made the big time, whether it be in sports or TV that i would take my best friends with me for the ride!!!

anyone else watch it???

College Life

College life is definitly tougher than i imagined... not that i thought it would be an easy ride but theres actually a lot more work than i thought theyre would!!

The hardest thing in my opinion is trying to balance going out on the lash with trying to get the work done... its definitley a fine line.... especially with a part time job on the weekends.

Although hopefully with a bit of guidance and some cop on, its going to more easily manageable!!!
At least i hope so!!!!!!!!

Government Poll

Was driving through town the other day, listening to the news on the radio...

They were doing a piece about a poll on how the goverment where viewed by the public during the last few months... not surprisingly the Fianna Fail government points had plummeted, and so did An Taoiseach's.....

What i couldnt get my head round was the fact that Brian Cowan and the various minister's were actually surprised at this..... HOW??????? They took OAP's free medical care away and are also trying to shaft students across the country by introducing fees....

Never more have i wanted a Sinn Fein government in place... Gerry would be a great Taoiseach!!:L
Well folks,

just wanted to chat about Aston Villa's great start to the season.. topped off by beating Arsenal at the Emirate.. unreal result, considering it should have been 3 or 4-0...

I must admit i have a huge amount of respect for Arsenal and the way they play football but i fear if we do actually break the top 4 its going to be at their expense!!!

any other villa fans got a viewpoint on the season so far??