Monday, November 24, 2008

Pillow Smells

So I was going to sleep the other night, and as u do... I started snuggling up to my pillow......

But i got the strangest whiff off the pillow.... a Jam Donut .... all i could smell was a jam donut... and then i couldnt fookin sleep cos all I could think about was where i was going to get my mits on a jam donut at 2 in the morning!!!!!!! it was 4am before i eventually got to sleep... purely on the basis that drove up to the 24hour Tesco's and bought 2 jam donuts for €1!!!! A late night donut and a cup of tea... BAAAAABY!!!!!!!!

But the question i really wanted answered was how did i manage to get the smell of jam on my pillow... Weird!!!!!

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