Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Search Engine Marketing

Jeez Colin, could you have picked a more boring topic to blog about?! (no offence meant ;) )

In Laymans terms, search engine marketing is the practise of making sure your particular website is near the top of list when someone searches through or for a particular brand you produce.

This form of marketing is mostly due to the large increase in websites over the years. Generally whatever youre looking/searching for.. whether it be a shopping website, a social network or general info.. the most popular websites for your needs will always appear near the top of the list.

This is generally down to you having the most optimised website or paying the right people the right amount!! To Quote Forrest.. "And that's all ive got to say about that".

P.D.E (public displays of emotion)

In general, im ok with them... Among family, among friends sure... But when people resort to splashing their private feelings all over a social network such as Facebook i just cant abide by it.
Have a big of dignity, show some self respect but NOOOOO.. tell the whole of Facebook youre devastated your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you... It's embarrassing to see someone piss and moan about something like that because in general you know it's just a cry for sympathy. Im sure there are people out their who might feel better venting their feelings in that manner but at the same time, that's what your close family and friends are for... Out of the 700 friends how many of those people would you truely call friends?! and yet you choose to tell them exactly how youre feeling?! The pits. I guess it's just the voyeuristic nature of society these days.. Everyone has to know exactly what's going on with everyone... excuse me for being old fashioned.

P.D.E (public displays of emotion)

Why advertise online?

In one word..... Exposure!!!!

Maximum Exposure actually. In the advent of the age of T'internet it makes total sense to advertise online. Everyone from 11 years olds to Multi-National conglomerates are now using the internet, hence if your business is being advertised properly, it's going to get noticed.

In the backdrop of this global recession, and harsh economic conditions, the cost of online advertising is also greatly reduced in comparison to traditional advertising due to its targeting nature of consumers.
Also with the internet now being as global as it is, it can reach a much greater and wider audience hence maximising its profits.

You can also reach an increased target audience advertising online due to the more specific nature of the information you provide to companies like Google's AdWords.

In a nutshell, in this day and age, the benefits of online advertising FAR outweigh the disavantages.