Monday, November 15, 2010

The Prodigal Son Has Returned!!!!

Like Jesus and Lazarus before me, i have risen from the dead.. like a Phoenix from the flames, to give you an intrepid insight into my mind!! I thought it fitting that on my return, i'd share with you my difficulty in fitting back into the college lifestyle at the minute! At present, i feel quite on the periphery of things... but in truth, i didnt expect anything less at this point as i've only got 1 class a day, 2 at the most!! its tough to make any good friends in the class at the minute as i dont spend enough time around them.. which is quite a strange feeling to be honest, something im not used to.. So in all likelihood, its going to be a long 7 months... although hopefully after passing these 3 exams, i can FINALLY make it to second year and feel like i belong again!!

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