Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bail Out Fiasco

What could be a more prudent and current topic of the day to write about than the absolute MESS of a country we've been left to inhabit. As 100, 000 protestors descend on the capital to vent their feelings of disgust and anger at the betrayal of the people charged with looking after our economy, i sit here in thought. For the first time in my life i actually feel true despair. Not the kind of despair one would feel getting the knock back off a girl you liked, or a huge pimple surfacing like a moon crater the night before your debs. No, real terrifying despair. Watching and listening carefully to Pat Kennys Frontline programme in the early hours of Tuesday morning a huge, foreboding cloud gathered in my mind as if it had scrambled my future in my mind. In reality, at the minute, i dont have a future.. Not in Ireland anyway. This bailout(LOAN) is going to be the heaviest of millstones around, not just my generation, but a number of generations necks for decades to come. At this point, im questioning what exactly IS the point of hanging around for much longer. The politicians of this country have destroyed our futures with near malevolent levels of incompetency over a 13 year period. A once golden period in our country followed by the blackest of blacks. A line in the film The Dark Knight has never seemed so appropriate. "You either die a hero, or love long enough to see yourself become the villain". Well this corrupt, incompetent Fianna Fail government has certainly lived up to the second half of that quote.

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