Saturday, November 27, 2010

Social Networking/Social Media

The 21st century is a consistently changing and progressive world, and at the forefront of social behaviours within all age groups is the embracing of social networking. The use of the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Bebo and Myspace from people of all ages has been quite the phenomenon. It all began over 15 years ago in 1994 with the introduction of and has since jettisoned into a worldwide takeover with Facebook leading from the front with over 500 million active users.
It's definitely one of the stranger phenomenons of our time. Personally I thoroughly enjoy the expierience of interacting with my friends over a site like Facebook as you can keep in contact people you wouldnt ordinarily see a lot of the time. There are drawbacks to it of course what with cyber bullying recently in the news. Also if you think back to between 10 and 15 years ago, kids of my age back then were out playing football on the streets, we were so active.. nowadays most young people are hooked up to the internet like its an IV drip. In saying that, that's the way things are these days. Everything is so internet driven, its nearly impossible to avoid it. In my opinion though, the pro's far outweigh the cons. The chance to keep in contact with family and friends, and not only that but make new ones too, is such an advantage. In my opinion, Facebook, Twitter et all are here to stay.

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