Monday, November 15, 2010

Online PR

To be totally honest, Online PR is a weird subject for me in that when I first attempted it i'd missed a couple of classes, and by a couple I mean about 47... I was totally lost. I was like a 4 year old attempting algebra!!! This year round, ive been to the majority of classes and it's actually been a huge eye opener... I actually enjoy it!! My only problem is that out of logistics and linguistics, I tend to sway to the later.. hence I complicate things in my mind way more than I actually have to. An example of this would be the recent exam..... Instead of looking at the exam paper and simplifying what Colin wanted me to do... I'd created a monster in my mind... it was only about 40 minutes into it when i'd copped on what he actually wanted me to do, and by then it was too late!!! Essentially, i really enjoy the module... its just all about keeping things simple.

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